PCSOs carry out an important role and this partnership with local organisations will undoubtedly contribute to a safer Northamptonshire Sgt Sam Dobbs, Northamptonshire Police


As the long-term owner of the logistics parks we develop, building a strong relationship with the local community is important for us: that’s why, in partnership with Crick Parish Council, we’re sponsoring two Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) as part of our development at Prologis Park DIRFT in Northamptonshire.

We already provide private security for our customers at Prologis Park DIRFT and sponsoring two dedicated PCSO’s enables us to bridge the link between our logistics park and the local community and ensure vital community policing work in the area can continue.

It’s great to be working in partnership with Crick Parish Council to deliver real benefit for our customers and people local to our development and we were able to sponsor the two dedicated PCSOs under a scheme developed by the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold.

Organisations such as parishes and local authorities have been able to part-fund a local PCSO for some time, sponsoring a percentage of their costs where the PCSO was then part of the Neighbourhood Policing Team. Under this new scheme, Prologis UK and Crick Parish Council now cover 100% of the costs and receive, in return, two PCSO’s who act as a dedicated resource for Prologis Park DIRFT and the community of Crick.

Brian Hughes of Crick Parish Council said: “Crick values greatly the work that has been done by our sponsored PCSOs for many years and is very grateful to Prologis UK for the superb support which it providse to the Parish in making a major contribution to the cost of the sponsorship. The visible presence and availability of the PCSOs in the village significantly enhances its safety and security.”

PCSO Les Conopo and PCSO Duncan Cummings will now work full-time on the Crick and DIRFT beat, only being deployed to other duties in very exceptional circumstances such as a major incident. 

Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold, PCSOs Les Conopo & Duncan Cummings and Prologis Property Director Steven Haddock


The local Police Sergeant, Sam Dobbs, will work with Crick Parish Council and Prologis UK to identify our priorities and meet with us on a regular basis to ensure that our needs are being met.  PCSOs Conopo and Cummings are accountable to Sgt Dobbs and their roles are designed to enhance and supplement the work of Northamptonshire Police, providing a visible and reassuring presence in the area.

Created to empower communities and encourage joint working between local partners and the police, the ‘Sponsor a PCSO programme’ runs in 12-month cycles and will see up to 12 new sponsored PCSOs operating across the county in areas where local organisations have opted to cover the full cost of the role.

Northamptonshire Police pays for all training, uniform and equipment for a sponsored PCSO, a sponsor covers their salary and on-costs, which totals £37,245 for 2018/19.

There are already fully-sponsored PCSOs working in Daventry town centre and in Kettering and discussions are underway with further parish councils and organisations that want to sponsor their own dedicated PCSO.

Stephen Mold, Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “At a time when other Forces in England and Wales have decided to reduce number of PCSOs because of financial challenges, we have extended an existing scheme to give parish councils and other organisations the opportunity to fully fund a PCSO who will provide a dedicated, visible policing presence in their area.

“I have been delighted by the response from partners who want to enhance the policing service and I know how much people value the presence of a PSCO in their community. PCSOs carry out an important role and this partnership with local organisations will undoubtedly contribute to a safer Northamptonshire.”

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