At Prologis, we’re committed to showcasing the depth and breadth of careers available within the logistics sector and strive to give the next generation opportunities to explore and pursue a career in the industry.
In October, 29 students from the MSc Supply Chain Management programme at the University of Birmingham attended a morning of practical learning at Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT). The day started at The Hub at DIRFT, where the students learned about the “Golden Triangle” of logistics, the DIRFT site and the businesses which use it.
We joined forces with our customers to undertake a tour of the end-to-end operation of the Boohoo facility as well as being given exclusive access to Royal Mail's new, state-of-the-art Midlands Super Hub. Students got the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight into what it’s like working at the companies.
The day was a resounding success and we hope that the opportunity to delve behind the scenes at the UK’s leading intermodal logistics parks will prove extremely useful for all of the group, providing real-life experiences to draw upon during their studies.
Devon Barrow, Senior Lecturer at Procurement and Operations Management Group at the University of Birmingham, said: “The practical learning day at DIRFT was very rewarding. There was so much rich knowledge that was provided that both the students and I found very insightful. The students had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn first-hand from experts in the field. I am confident that the knowledge they gained during the day will be invaluable to them in the future.”
A special thanks to our customers Royal Mail and Boohoo for working with us and sharing their expertise. We’re looking forward to continuing our work with young people and take pride in being a part of a community of employers who are committed to inspiring the next generation.