Thursday 8 September marked the 13th Prologis charity cycle ride, with a great turn-out of over 100 people, made up of both home team and our wider supply chain.

The Prologis 100, as the name suggests, is a 100km / 100m endurance ride which this year took place around Worcestershire. Thanks to some amazing event planning, riders of both distances were able to come together at the start, lunch and finish to share their experiences and a few well earned beers.

This year, we were fundraising for three amazing charities : Landaid, Cure Leukemia & Mad Hatter’s Children’s Charity. In total, we were able to donate £12,500 to both Landaid, who work to end youth homelessness and Cure Leukemia, who work to offer potential life-saving treatments to patients across the UK. £9,525 has been donated to Mad Hatter’s Children’s Charity, who are dedicated to providing a smile to children in the Midlands with special educational needs & disabilities.

Our fundraising achievement wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing roll-call of corporate sponsors, who year-after-year generously donate to the cause. Their contributions this year were complimented by a raffle for the riders.

Well done to everyone involved and a huge thanks to everyone for their support with the fundraising. Until next year – “Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.” Eddy Merckx.

View the photos from the event here.

Phil Oakley, Senior Vice President, Customer Led Development

Phil Oakley

Senior Vice President, Customer Led Development

Phil is a Senior Vice President leading the European Customer Led Development team. He coordinates teams across Germany, France and the UK to deliver build to suit solutions for customers in the locations they need to be in. Phil previously worked on development and leasing projects in the UK, since joining Prologis in 2015 and was previously at IDI Gazeley, Teesland iDG/Valad Property Group and Tilfen Land. Phil has development expertise across the industrial property sector, with experience in developing both large-scale, complex schemes and small unit developments. Phil is a qualified Chartered Surveyor with over 20 years’ experience in the property industry.


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