On Friday 13 May, Prologis UK teamed up with our colleagues at Whiting Landscape to give back to a local community, this year creating a community park for a village in Northamptonshire. IMPACT Day is a global event where Prologis employees give back to their local communities.
As ever, the UK office got enthusiastically involved, plotting & digging out paths, laying hardcore & final surface, building a picket fence around a newly created pond as well as constructing new park benches & picnic tables for residents to enjoy.
This year’s IMPACT Day marked the tenth anniversary of our annual day of giving back. In that time, globally a staggering 549 projects have been completed in over 65,000 hours of employee volunteering time. In previous years, our UK team have created an outdoor school classroom, rejuvenated an animal sanctuary and transformed overgrown allotments into a community garden.
Our volunteering was positively received by local residents – some of whom came to wish us well & show their support. The team got to meet villagers & their four-legged friends who would be enjoying our efforts for many years to come, which really bought into focus the contribution we were making. The local police community support officer also visited site, and agreed to safeguard the newly installed park furniture for everyone’s benefit.
Finally, like IMPACT Days before, our long-standing relationship with local partner Whiting Landscape proved invaluable. Their team came to lend an expert hand to proceedings as well as supporting with both initial groundworks & finishing touches. Together, we hope we’ve made a positive impact for years to come.
Click the image below to view some snaps of the team during our 10th Prologis IMPACT Day…